November 21, 2023

November newsletter: First Thursdays, faith leaders survey, housing equity and more!

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As we prepare to launch our new strategic plan in the new year, the Foundation is reflecting on how grateful we are to be a part of this wonderful Howard County community. We’re especially thankful to all of you who engaged with us this past year to help us chart our path forward. From all of us, we wish you and your loved ones a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday!


Join us for our next First Thursdays community conversation on December 7

Thank you to everyone who participated in this month’s First Thursdays community conversation! Participants had robust small group discussions about a variety of topics ranging from access to primary care physicians, to ER wait times, to affordable housing, to challenges with telehealth and more.

Please join us on the first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. for breakfast and a guided conversation about key issues on the minds of fellow Howard Countians.

Our next First Thursdays conversation will take place at the Horizon Foundation’s office on December 7 at 10 a.m. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Jennifer White Holland by November 30.


Calling local faith leaders! Please fill out our survey

The Horizon Foundation wants to stay connected and serve as a resource for the faith community in Howard County. Please complete this brief survey to tell us about your congregation. One of our team members will be in contact with you to learn more and how best to partner together in the future.

Take the survey>


Victories for housing equity in Howard County

Congratulations to the Housing Affordability Coalition on their recent policy victories in the HoCo by Design Master Plan. Key organizations championing this work are our very own Racial Equity Collaborative members, Bridges to Housing Stability, along with Coalition member Columbia Housing Center. The Housing Affordability Coalition held a celebration on Nov. 15 to thank organizations and individuals who participated in the housing campaign over the past year, and to celebrate recent campaign wins and motivate members to stay active during the work ahead. Check out the presentation shared at the event to learn more about the Coalition’s work.

You can join the Housing Affordability Coalition to stay informed about news, events and opportunities to act for housing equity.


Staff picks: what we’re reading, watching and listening to