August 28, 2024

August newsletter: New grant opportunities now open!

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New grant opportunities!

Applications for two new grant opportunities from the Foundation are now open! After spending this year learning and meeting with many community groups about the health equity issues facing our community, we are so excited to launch our first two RFP opportunities. Though needs are great across many different issues, this first round of RFP opportunities will focus on Housing Justice and our Advancing Community Advocacy Fellowship.

We know we can’t do this work alone, so we are looking for partners and grantees that are community-led, seeking to build power and working to dismantle structural racism in Howard County and greater Maryland. Opportunities for funding on the issues not covered by these RFPs will follow in 2025 and beyond. More below!


Housing Justice

For many Howard County residents, safe, affordable and quality housing is out of reach due to rising costs, diminishing housing supply and aging housing stock. As a result, a growing number of families and individuals experience housing instability, inadequate living conditions and in many cases homelessness.  Ensuring everyone has a safe and affordable place to live will require housing justice strategies rooted in collaboration, coalition and community voice.

The Foundation is seeking organizational partners to co-create solutions that remove barriers to obtaining and sustaining affordable, high-quality rental housing and home ownership. Two types of grant opportunities are available:

  • (1) Organizing and Advocacy: Grantees will be awarded up to $100,000. Grantees may receive funding for up to 2 years. Funding will support organizations to co-create solutions focused on three initial housing priorities: expanding renter protections, sustaining homeownership and strengthening systems to advance housing justice. Strategies/Activities could include tenant organizing, policy change, power building and community engagement. Grantees will be expected to collaborate with the Foundation and fellow grantees in a co-creation process that will begin January 2025.
  • (2) Housing Service Provider Workgroup: Grantees will be awarded up to $10,000 to participate in a workgroup. that will identify prevention strategies to address housing insecurity, explore ways to strengthen service coordination and make policy recommendations to support systems change. Grantees will be expected to select 1 – 2 representatives to attend 6 bimonthly meetings from January – December 2025.

Organizations can be considered for one or both opportunities. The application deadline is October 8, 2024.

We will host two information sessions to explain this Request for Proposals and answer any questions you may have:

Learn more and apply>>


Advancing Community Advocacy Fellowship

The purpose of this strategic opportunity is to build the organizing and advocacy capacity of individuals who live in and/or serve Howard County, by helping them use their power to advance issues that matter most to them and their community. The person(s) selected will become a key partner in one of the new Foundation’s focus areas. They will learn essential organizing and advocacy skills by working alongside Horizon Foundation staff and its partners.

Two (2) fellows will be awarded $30,000 per year for 2 years. The deadline to submit your application is October 8, 2024.

We will host two information sessions to explain this Request for Proposals and answer any questions you may have:

Learn more and apply>>


Reminder: First Thursdays

Please join us on the first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. for breakfast and a guided conversation about key issues on the minds of fellow Howard Countians. We love these rich conversations with community members, and we are excited to continue connecting with one another and exploring health equity issues with all of you.

Our next First Thursdays conversation will take place at the Horizon Foundation’s office on September 5 at 10 a.m. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to Jennifer Holland by September 2.