September 11, 2024

Open call to connect with Black women nonprofit leaders in Howard County!

The Horizon Foundation and the Women’s Giving Circle are working to craft a report that identifies ways the community can better support Black women in leadership. Our hope is to elevate stories of Black women in Howard County, and their experiences – both bright spots and challenges – in positions of nonprofit leadership. The report will particularly provide guidance to funders, employers and boards on practical steps they can take to champion and advance Black women in leadership. We know a lot of stories are out there, and though we know we won’t be able to capture them all, we want to connect! If you are a Black woman who has led or are interested in leading in the Howard County nonprofit sector, we want to hear from you. Our interviews are 100% confidential, as we are truly trying to listen and learn from your authentic experiences.

Please use this form to share your contact information, and someone from our team will be in touch.